PROYTECSA SECURITY was founded in 1988 in Binéfar, Huesca, with the goal of developing several access control systems to avoid robberies in bank branches and ensure their security. The corporation has grown thanks to the main Spanish banks: Banesto, Bankia, Bankinter, Barclays, BBVA, La Caixa, Caixa Galicia, Caixa Popular, Cajamar, Caja Granada, Caja de Extremadura, Ibercaja, Banco Pastor, Banco Sabadell, Banco Santander, Banco Zaragozano, Banco de Valencia, Novagalicia, and Unicaja, among others. Today, access control and security systems are part of the argus line of products, a reference in the banking and transport industry thanks to their intelligent security doors, interlocking doors and metro ticket barriers. PROYTECSA SECURITY started working more than ten years ago designing and producing robots to defuse explosives remotely together with the Spanish General Directorate of Police and the TEDAX corps (Specialized Technicians to Defuse Explosive Devices). In Spain, the National Police, the Civil Guard, the army, the air force and the Catalan Police corps use our solutions. Thanks to the recognition received as the manufacturers of the TEDAX robots, one of the best considered internationally, we have now increased the number customers who now use our robots in countries such as Angola, Chile, Morocco, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, the United States of America and Vietnam, among others. The aunav line of robots is the most innovative and advanced solution on the market. PROYTECSA SECURITY has developed and installed three-dimensional fencing systems with sensors and CCTV along more than 12 kilometres of the Spanish border in the city of Melilla to solve the problem of illegal immigration where immigrants used to jump over the old border fences in large numbers. Another development has been designing a fence to protect critical infrastructure along the Spanish high-speed train (AVE) system for ADIF. Our main customers include electrical, thermal, solar and petrochemical power companies, who all use this technology to protect their sensitive facilities, such as: Red Eléctrica de España, Enagás, Gas Natural, BBVA and the Spanish Ministry of the Interior. The thewall line of products for perimeter protection using intelligent fencing is unique, with sensors to detect intruders cutting through or jumping over fences, avoiding any false alarms.