Meiji offers training to solve your needs. Whether you need general sensor training or specific part number and/or application training – Meiji will create a class to solve your needs. Dates, times, locations, lengths – your facility, our facility, or off-site locations. “Canned” classes, “Custom” classes, or a “hybrid” class – Meiji offers training to solve your needs. Targeting the week of October 13-17, 2008 – Meiji is offering hands-on general Omron sensor training, which includes: basic overview, how to select a sensor, NPN versus PNP, how to wire a sensor, how to install and adjust a sensor, troubleshooting, specs, using the catalog, etc. Classes always include practical hands-on labs to reinforce the topics, and students keep the manuals. Please call Meiji and ask for Larry Feit, x640 to select a date, discuss topics, reserve a spot, all the details – because – Meiji offers training to solve your needs.