Robotics & Automation Solutions:|Pick N Place Solutions|Robotic Manipulators|Grippers and End effectors|Precision Machinery|• Machine Maintenance Solutions:|We help you run your machines with least down times and zero|unplanned breakdowns and we support you to implement TPM in your|company for standardized maintenance system.|Our goal is to help you to achieve the following:|To get the most efficient use of all production equipment (i.e. overall equipment efficiency).|To establish a total (company wide) Productive Maintenance system,encompassing Predictive Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance ,Corrective & Upgrade Maintenance.|Zero unplanned downtime .|Zero defects|To promote and implement PM related autonomous, small-group activities targeted at continuous improvement of operating efficiency.|• Technical Training:|We provide hands on sessions every weak on different advanced topics.|We also conduct workshop on robotics and latest technology for people of different age groups.|• Digital Surveillance Systems:|CCTV Solutions|We are proud representatives of :|Secur–Eye :Hong Kong based company (|Enter : Leading hardware system developers (|Bio metric Products|Home Security Systems (
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