aROBOT-(A division of BABA Research Centre ,where BABA stands for Basic to Advance in Building Automation.) aROBOT is a design consultancy & automation solutions provider for the Industry Automation, Academics & Application\r\n\r\nIt aims at addressing the needs of small and medium scale enterprises, research scholars and engineering students in the field of Automation, Robotics and Embedded Systems.\r\n\r\nBy using concepts such as Lean, Six Sigma and Reliability Engineering we incorporate international best practices for Engineering Design and Development. Using tools like Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Verification and Validation Analysis, we help small & medium enterprises to improve efficiency and maximize profits. \r\n\r\nWith over 110 valued customers across India, we provide turn-key process optimisation solutions for manufacturing industries backed by an enthused team of young and dynamic engineers committed to address customer needs. aROBOT has executed over 100 workshops in the field of Robotics, Graphical Programming , Data Acquisition, Image and Signal Processing.\r\n\r\n\r\nOur Service Offerings\r\n Academics: \r\nLabVIEW Applications \r\nMatlab & Applications\r\nAutomation Applications \r\nEmbedded Applications \r\nRobotics & Applications\r\n\r\n\r\nIndustrial Automation \r\nElectronics & Electrical Gadgets\r\nIndustry: Vision based Quality control\r\n Machinery health Monitoring\r\n Sonic Analysis for alloy materials \r\nDimension measurement of Universal joint\r\n Data acquisition\r\n Bolt Thread measurement\r\n Engineering Application Design & Development ‘\r\nRubber Caps & Belt inspection Gear Inspection